The World of Pick Up Artists

May 27, 2011 at 11:34 am (1) ()

(Neil Strauss, a.k.a Style. Style is one of the most famous and skilled PUAs in the world)

Do you have relationship issues? Do you have problems speaking to women?

Well, suffer no more. Pick Up Artists(a.k.a PUA) are ready to tell you their tricks and methods to help you out!

No more rejection, no more listening to emo rock songs in your room by yourself!

Learn all about the art of seduction. Go out on the street!

Be confident and get a phone number!

Many PUAs have published books, revealing all of their secrets and theories to the public. Books written by famous PUAs such as Erik von Markovik a.k.a Mystery or Neil Strauss a.k.a Style became best sellers. Especially, The Game written by Neil Strauss became the Bible for those timid men out there. The Game takes the format of a novel. The main story is about how Style, who is the narrator, turns from a coward into the best PUA in LA by meeting Mystery. There are also side stories like underground tension between PUA clans in order to become the top PUA clan in LA. Even though the Game takes the format of a story, it explains all the theories and ideas of seduction as well as any other descriptive PUA guidebook. That is one of the reasons why the Game was so successful. It gives a lot of information without losing the reader’s attention and interest.

Amazon link to the Game

Here are some widely known theories and vocabulary of PUAs that are also explained in the Game.

-The Group Theory

When the target female is in a group, the artist has to talk to the other group members rather than focusing on the target. Thus, the target will crave attention from the artist. It will make the target become more interested in the artist.


When confronting the target, the artist has to make a statement that is neither a compliment nor an insult. It will make the target desperate to impress the artist while successfully showing that the artist is not interested in the target. The tiger always waits patiently and objectively until the prey comes close enough.


AFC is the abbreviation of “Average Frustrated Chump.” It refers to those who have no knowledge about the sophisticated art of seduction. They believe in “falling in love at first sight” or “passion of love.” They eventually fail and come to PUAs for help.


Amog has two meanings.

AMOG(Alpha male of the group)- This term refers to the best and the most skilled PUA of the team. Team operations are usually led by AMOGs with the support of other team members known as wingmen.

AMOG(Alpha male other guy)- This term refers to a male who can be a potential danger to the operation. This can be the target’s boyfriend, the target’s husband, lawyers, muscular men, Guidos, men with firearms, or the target’s father.


AA stands for Approach Anxiety. This is a term for those who fear women even though they desire to talk to women.

-Cat Theory

A cat does not try to catch a string when it is too close or too far away from it. It only tries to catch it when it is 2~4 steps away from it. Just like this, the artist has to maintain a certain distance from the target in terms of attitude. Thus, the target will be much more desperate.

-Trick; Method

This refers to the artist’s method or trick to get the target’s attention. Each artist has his own tricks and methods. Many artists use magic tricks or artistic skills to get the target’s attention. Also, there are numerous standard tricks that are widely known.

Here are some examples of standard tricks.

-Mind Reading Trick

Tell the target to pick a number between 1~10. More than 70% will say 7 or 3.

-Cold Reading

A good PUA should know how to do a cold reading. Cold reading is a method of inferring facts about the target by looking at her personal belongings, friends, etc. An accurate cold reading will impress the target and make her to think that the artist is a mind reader. Then the artist can just pretend like he’s a mind reader. Remember: there is no lying in the world of PUAs; there is only flirting.

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