The Last Samurai (Film,2003)

February 24, 2010 at 5:01 pm (Films)

About 6~7 years old

Director: Edward Zwick

Writer: John Logan

Genre: Drama

Cast: Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe

The Last Samurai is about an American soldier, Nathan Algren, who killed hundreds of Native Americans, living in a Samurai community, learning their philosophy, culture, way of life, and finally becoming one of them. It is very interesting to observe how Algren changes, as the environment around him changes. First, he is just an alcoholic soldier who can’t get over with his nightmare without the power of whiskey. But as his life in the Samurai community, deep in the mountain, goes by, he becomes mature and confident again, with the philosophy of Samurai in his mind.

Another main character, Katsumoto, is also a very interesting individual. As the leader of the community, Katsumoto always has the true meaning of Samurai, which is “service”, in his mind, and never does the things that will go against his faith and his people. His life is the Samurai philosophy itself, even the prior reason why he rebelled against his emperor is to serve him and teach him what the true meanings of tradition and change are.

Katsumoto also shows generosity and respect to others, even to his enemies. When Algren first came to his community as a prisoner, he tries to understand Algren, and have conversation with him. He reads Algren’s journal entries, and ask questions about how, and why did he kill the Indians. He teaches the way of Samurai to Algren, and becomes a true friend and an advisor of Algren. He finally accepts Algren as one of the Samurais after the battle against the assassins.

“Nathan Algren: What do you want?
Katsumoto: To know my enemy.
Nathan Algren: I’ve seen what you do to your enemies.
Katsumoto: Warriors in your country do not kill?
Nathan Algren: They don’t cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men.
Katsumoto: General Hasegawa asked me to help him end his life. A samurai cannot stand the shame of defeat. I was honored to cut off his head.”

I was also impressed by the philosophy and the way of life the Samurais have. The prior aspect of all the samurais is honor. They also choose to have an honorable death, which is committing suicide by putting a knife in the stomach, to forgive themselves from the shameful mistakes. Life for honor is very different from the ways of life that we have today;nobody kills him/herself for honor and dignity. However this quality made the Samurais able to live in discipline and devote themselves to achieve the goal of their lives everyday until they go to sleep. Even though it is little bit anachronistic, I think it is a lifestyle that is worth having.

The Last Samurai was a very impressive film, and it gave me a lessons about the important qualities of my life, and how can I respect others by disciplining myself from desire. Here is my favorite quotes.

“[Katsumoto hands a samurai sword to Algren, it has a message written on it]

Algren : What does it say?

“I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new.” ”

I had very many thoughts when I heard this quote. With the old, traditional ways of thinking, adjusted to the ways that things work today, people will live much happier without any meaningless desire or hate, even though they are living in the same world.

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